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CSI3* Arnheim

Last weekend Meredith and Markus started at the Outdoor Gelderland Horse Show in Arnheim (NL). Amazing Daisy again jumped two fantastic clear rounds in the Grand Prix and placed 5th. Markus started Comanche in the same class, who jumped a good round with just one unlucky fault.

Full results/Alle Ergebnisse: Link

Poorters Prijs

Int. jumping competition in 2 Phases - 1m35 (Small Tour)

23rd Markus & Carlson

Anemone Horse Truck Prijs

Table A against the clock - 1m40 (Medium Tour)

14th Markus & Cool Hand Luke

CCV Prijs

Table A with one jump-off - 1m50 (Big Tour)

8th Markus & Comanche

Grand Prix Gelderland

Table A with one jump-off - 1m55 (Big Tour)

5th Meredith & Daisy

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